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Society and businesses are approaching a new normal in the wake of the pandemic and the ensuing financial crisis.
With it comes new consumers, new behaviours, new conditions for and new ways of doing business. What will it mean for us all, and how do we make sure to emerge stronger on the other side? Welcome to the second part of our “Emerging stronger on the other side” webinar series, featuring business leaders and decision makers from both sides of the North Sea.
As a CCSF/YP member this event will be for free. You should register as a SCC member, mentioning your CCSF membership in the "Comments" section.
The link to connect to the Webinar will be sent out upon registration.
Register HERE
La Suède a des relations diplomatiques avec presque tous les pays du monde. Dans environ la moitié d'entre eux, la Suède a des ambassades et consulats. représentation étrangère suédoise se compose d'environ 100 ambassades et 350 honörkonsulat.