Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Tobias Billström a prononcé le 15 février 2023 la déclaration annuelle de politique étrangère du gouvernement à l'occasion du débat parlementaire sur la politique étrangère.
Do you need to renew your passport or ID card? The Consulate General does not issue regular passports. More information can be found on the following page (in Swedish):
To apply for a passport for a child born abroad, your child must have a coordination number. Please find more information about applications for a coordination number on the following page (in Swedish):
Bergman’s classic comedy 'Smiles of a Summer Night' 🌼🌸 will be shown at Polarise Nordic Film Nights on January 22 at 18h30. The festival takes place from 21 to 26 January 2025 at Cinema Galeries. 🎥📽
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