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Embassy of SwedenHarare, Zimbabwe

Local time 12:41 AM

Sweden signs 3 year programme on SRHR with Population Services Zimbabwe

26 Apr 2018

On 27 April, the Embassy of Sweden in Harare signed a new agreement with Population Services Zimbabwe to scale up Acces to Comprehensive Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for Women and Girls in Zimbabwe.

The SEK 70,000,000 project will focus on increasing the use of quality comprehensive #contraception and safe emergency abortion and post abortion care services and will be implemented across all of Zimbabwe’s ten provinces, while strategically targeting under-served districts and populations.

PSZ`s (also known as Marie Stopes Zimbabwe) intervention is relevant to the Swedish priorities and the Results Strategy for Sweden’s International Development Cooperation in Zimbabwe 2017-2021.

The strong focus on women and girls also positions this intervention well within the Swedish global ambitions around these thematic areas, in line with SDG3 which speak to good health and wellbeing especially among these priority populations.

Last updated 16 May 2018, 9.20 AM