Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Embassy of Sweden
P.O. Box 21621
CY 1511 Nicosia
9, Arch. Makarios III Avenue
Severis Building, 2nd floor
1065 Nicosia
+357 22 458 088
+357 22 460 980
Passport service:
Renewal of passport and national ID-card only by appointment online.
Wednesday 14.00 - 16.00
Thursday 09.00 - 12.00
Customer service for passport collection:
Tuesday and Thursday 09.00-12.00 (no prior appoinment needed)
Customer service for other consular matters:
Monday to Friday 09.00-12.00 (no prior appointment needed)
Migration issues telephone inquiries:
Monday and Wednesday 09.00-12.00
E-mail: migration.nicosia@gov.se
Public holidays when the Embassy is closed 2025: