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FAQ passports and citizenship

Below you will find frequently asked questions regarding passports and citizenship.

Do I have to make an appointment to apply for a passport/coordination number/ to keep my Swedish citizenship?

Yes, an appointment must be booked. You can only book an appointment through our website Book Appointment (migrationsverket.se) It is not possible to book an appointment by phone or e-mail.

There are no available time slots when I try to book an appointment on your website. How should I do?

If there are no available time slots when you try to book an appointment, that means that we are fully booked.

We release new time slots for three months at a time. On February 14, 2025, we released time slots for March, April and May 2025. On May 15, 2025, we will release time slots for June, as well as July and August 2025 etc. 

What is a temporary passport and when is it issued?

A temporary passport is only issued in extremely urgent cases and for very imminent travel. Read more on our website Temporary passport - Sweden Abroad

Do I have to show identification when I apply for a passport?

Yes, when you apply for a new passport or national ID card, you must be able to identify yourself with a valid ID document. If you do not have identification, an authorized person needs to be able to verify your identity.

This is a valid ID document, identification

  • Swedish / Israeli ordinary passport (provisional passport is not valid as identification)
  • Swedish / Israeli national ID card
  • Swedish/ Israeli driver's license

I am over 18 years. What documents should I bring with me when I apply for a passport?

You will find information on which documents you must bring with you when you apply for a passport on our website renewal of passport for adults 18 or older. 

How should I apply for a passport for my child who was born outside Sweden and has never had a passport?

To apply for a passport for the first time for your child, your child needs to be a Swedish citizen. See information on the Swedish Migration Agency's website Ansök om medborgarskap - Migrationsverket  about Swedish citizenship.

If your child meets the requirements for Swedish citizenship, the child needs to be registered with the Swedish Tax Authority and given a coordination number before you can apply for a passport for the child. You apply for a coordination number at the Embassy. Read more about coordination number on our website. 

When you receive notification from the Embassy that the Swedish Tax authority has assigned your child a coordination number, you can book an appointment at the Embassy to apply for a passport for the child. Appointments be booked online thorugh our website Book Appointment (migrationsverket.se)

Information about which documents are needed to apply for a passport for children under 18 can be found on our website Renewal of Passport for Adults 18 or Older - Sweden Abroad

How do I apply for a passport for my child whose old passport has expired?

You must book an appointment through our website Book Appointment (migrationsverket.se)

You can find information about which documents you must bring with you when you apply on our website Renewal of Passport for Children under 18 - Sweden Abroad

How long time does it take to get the new passport?

After you have been to the Embassy and applied for a passport, it takes about 2-8 weeks for the new passport to be delivered to the Embassy. You will receive an e-mail when the new passport has been received by the Embassy and can be picked up.

Can I ask a friend or a relative to pick up my new passport/ID card?

No, you cannot. Passport and national ID card must be collected be yourself. You cannot give a power of attorney to somebody else to pick up your passport.

For children and young people under the age of 18, a legal guardian must pick up the passport or national ID card.

Anyone who has turned 15 years of age can pick up the passport or national ID card themselves if the legal guardian allows this when applying and it is noted at the time of application.

When can I collect my passport and what do I need to show in order to collect it?

You can find information about days when the Embassy is open for pickup of passports on our website Contact - Sweden Abroad

Information about what you need to take with you when you pick up your new passport can be found on our website Passport pick up - Sweden Abroad

You do not need to book time in order to pick up your passport.

How do I change my name/surname on my passport/ID card?

Passports and ID cards are issued in the name which the Swedish Tax Authority has registered in the Swedish population register. The Embassy cannot make any name changes.

If you want to change the name/surname on your passport/ID card, it is required that you first apply to the Swedish Tax authority for a name change in the Swedish population register.

You will find more information how to change your first name on the Tax Authority's website Byta förnamn | Skatteverket

Information about hpw to change your surname is found on the Tax Authority's website Byta efternamn | Skatteverket

Information about how to change your surname to your spouses surname . Byta till din makas eller makes efternamn | Skatteverket

Do I need to do anything to keep my Swedish citizenship if I was born or live outside of Sweden?

If you were born and live outside Sweden, you need to apply to retain your Swedish citizenship. The application must be submitted after you turn 18, but before you turn 22 you need to apply to keep your Swedish citizenship, read more on the Swedish Migration Agency's website.

You can send the application to the Migration Agency directly, or book an appointment at the Embassy in order to submit it Book Appointment (migrationsverket.se) The Embassy will send it to the Swedish Migration Agency.

Last updated 23 Nov 2023, 11.17 AM