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Travel to Hong Kong

Renewal of Swedish driver's licence

To be able to renew your Swedish driver's licence you must be a permanent resident in Sweden or have studied in Sweden for at least six months. If you are registered in Sweden but currently abroad due to studies, work or a longer visit you are also able to renew your Swedish driver's licence and pick it up at the consulate. You are welcome to contact us to schedule an appointment to receive the necessary application from the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) which needs to be sent in as an original document for the renewal.

If you are not registered in Sweden you are not able to renew your Swedish driver's licence. Read more on the Swedish Transport Agency's website.

The Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) can issue a certificate of a valid Swedish driving license for the purpose of applying for a driving license in Hong Kong. The certificate can be found from their customer service for driving license questions: Kontakta oss - Transportstyrelsen

Last updated 10 Mar 2025, 3.31 PM